Wednesday ‘Podge – Even Q1 is tough!

1.What do you love about your life right now? 

This should not be difficult to answer but I feel sort of stressed so I’m struggling. OK, I know what I love right now: being able to work from 7:30-3:30 and going home and getting stuff done. In fact, I left at 2 yesterday, went to two stores, used the sauna, then made dinner. That’s the kind of time I want to deal with after work. Glad we have a long interim now.

2. March 26th is National Spinach Day…are you a fan? If so, how do you like yours prepared/served? 

I do enjoy spinach! I usually buy it for salads, though I don’t eat them too often, but where I really love it and always get it is on pizza. If it’s an order by the slice type place, everyone knows that I get a slice of cheese with spinach.

3. In this current season would you say you need to spend more time looking inward or that you need to get out of your head? Tell us why. 

Hmm, interesting. I feel like I am always inside my own head but I’m not sure I need to get out. I mean, sometimes I think difficulties that come your way are meant to make you think more inwardly so you ca figure out how to solve them. So maybe just a mix of both.

4. Are you following the ‘March Madness’ madness? (That’s US college basketball in case you’re out of the loop) What’s something that feels like actual madness to you right now? 

I am very loosely following. As noted, we went to a bar to watch last Friday with friends but I honestly do not keep track of teams that way I do football. Something that is actual madness is the upcoming election. Whether you like Trump or not, it’s pretty insane how much they’re trying to stop him from being a part of this election. I mean, if he wasn’t the real deal, you think these clowns would be coming for him? I also find it to be madness when folks actually think he’s going to start the next war. We had him for four years and it didn’t happen. In fact, we entered into zero new wars. But look at where we are now? It’s such insanity.

5. How will you celebrate the Easter/Passover holiday this year? 

We are not big Easter people. I am going to throw some baskets together for the kids and we’re making pulled pork, mac, and green beans that day.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

I wrote all my answers yesterday and A LOT has changed since. I will probably write about it once I process it but for now I leave you with,

“When one door closes, another one opens.”

Let’s hope so.

7 thoughts on “Wednesday ‘Podge – Even Q1 is tough!

  1. The people who are terrified that Trump is going to turn this country into a right-wing dictatorship are themselves trying to turn it into a left-wing dictatorship.

  2. I agree there are times we need to be in our heads, just not to excess. I know I can really drill down lol. I do hope all works out for the best for you!

  3. I had a tough time answering #1 my first attempt – I had to come back for another run at it after an attitude adjustment. 😉 Hope everything is working out for you with those doors and windows, and that you’re having a great week overall.

  4. I enjoyed reading your answers. It’s had for me to get out of my head. I do love spinach. Yes, this election year is crazy. I don’t understand how they keep blaming the border on Trump when he had it under control. I also agree, we had no wars when he was president. Hope you have a nice Easter Sunday.

  5. I enjoyed your responses — particularly about Trump v. the clown wagon. The hatred which exists is frightening. Looking forward to looking over your shoulder through that new door!

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