Random (Talk to us) Tuesday – Here, there, but not having a baby


Seriously Shawn

I’m here; that counts for something

  • Well, still here; still pregnant.
  • I have a bunch of things still to do at work so clearly, this is why she’s waiting. Though, now that Ash has some plans and my mom left for the beach, she’ll probably show up, just because the world works that way.
  • Last night I didn’t want to do ANYthing. I managed to wash dishes and then I camped it on the couch. That’s totally not like me so something is just off. I ended up watching a few episodes of Full House, which I love that they play on Nick now. You know, after all these years, I still think  John Stamos is totally hot.
  • That reminds me of this time I went to a day camp, maybe in 6th grade? And I traded a picture of Patrick Swayze to this girl for a photo of John Stamos. You know, from one of those girl magazines like Tiger Beat or Bop! I can’t believe I even remember that. My brain is full of useless things.
  • I can’t believe July isn’t over YET. Does it seem t you like it went on for a very long time? It seems to me that August should already be in full swing.
  • Maybe I am just ready for Fall. Even though – I have to say – I have not been that bothered by the heat. It certainly has seemed hotter the past few days, mainly because we’ve had less rain. But it’s not been a ridiculously hot summer, which is usually what prompts me to start thinking about Autumn and cooler temps.
  • It’s funny how slow time goes when you’re waiting for something.
  • Isaac is starting to show signs of the “punk-ass threes”, as I call them. Elliot did it too around this time. This morning, Isaac dropped his bowl of Cheerios but only a few spilled out. You’d have thought it was the end of the world so I calmed him and told him to set the bowl down while we cleaned up the few that spilled. Well, he was all angry for some reason and decided to dump the rest out. Of course, this then resulted in another major meltdown. Then five minutes later, he was back to being sweet. Three is the age of bi-polar disorder in children, I think.
  • That’s all I have for you; I am working on some last minute projects and I am HIGHLY uncomfortable. Feeling crampy and huge and awful. TTYL!

2 thoughts on “Random (Talk to us) Tuesday – Here, there, but not having a baby

  1. The fours have been more bi polar for Bruiser than three was. Everything that doesn’t go his way is cause for tears anymore. It gets old. Fast.

  2. Still here still not pregnant………….sorry had to say that………….lol
    July is just about over, it is my bro in-law’s birthday today not sure how old he is though.

Talk to me