Friday Confessions –

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I confess… I ate a big fat Five Guys burger this week. And it was SO worth it.

I confess… I Googled something and did NOT find an answer. Isn’t that strange? Does that EVER happen? (FYI, the question was: Was Alice Cooper into the BDSM lifestyle? It’s a totally legit question!)

I confess… I have two colors of nail polish that I own: OPI Magnifico Mexico and Don’t Melbourne the Toast. Typically, I just choose one at the salon but I own these. Ten years ago, if you’d ask me about nail polish, I would have told you I have no  use for the stuff.

I confess… I only want to eat bagels and ice cream these days.  But if I do that, my baby is going to weigh a ton.

I confess… I haven’t really talked about my boys on here lately. Today is Elliot’s last day of Kindergarten! Hard to believe, honestly. He learned so much this year, especially math-related concepts. I’m glad he got the amazing teacher he did because she really helped him with his behaviour, since he was the youngest in the class. He has come a long way! And Isaac, well, he basically potty trained himself right around his 3rd birthday. He’ s also dry at night, which is ahead of the curve according to our pediatrician, who says only 42% of 3.5 year olds (Isey is 3 years and almost 2 months) are dry at night.  My boys are really growing up, it seems.

I confess… I am about to enter a hectic few weeks, with Elliot being here in the office with me next week when there’s no school or camp, then a trip to Orlando, then Elliot being out of town for a week (ok, that part’s pretty magical! 😉 ). It’s always crazy around this time of year but we’ll handle it, we always do!

I confess… I let Elliot have a donut this morning as it was his last day. I wasn’t the only one with that idea; the line for Dunkin’ Donuts was hella long!

OK folks, have a great weekend! I’ll be working on cleaning out this soon-to-be nursery and doing not much else after the 3 day weekend we had!

6 thoughts on “Friday Confessions –

  1. I’ve heard so much about Five Guys burgers.. but I don’t think we have any near where I live, bummer!
    Two is a start for owning nail polish (: I haven’t counted how many I own, I’m afraid to! Ha ha!!
    I could go for some donuts now..
    Hope you have an amazing week!

  2. Man, I could go for a big burger someday soon!! We have a Five Guys in Kanata now, not that far from here… I should make the trip someday for one!!

    Have a great weekend 🙂

  3. Five Guys sounds amazing right now. Their fries are so yummy.

    i hope my kids are as smart as your boys are. Kids that potty train themselves are pretty much awesome in my book.

    Thanks for joining Friday Confessional. Have a fabulous weekend.

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