MMMM + Been a few weird days

I attempted to write last week but everything was wonky. Thursday was an all-day training, as well as Friday being a half day. After Thursday, I was exhausted, but I had to come home and take Elliot to soccer (Ash had an off-campus work event, then he went to his guy’s night thing) and then I picked up dinner, then went back for Elliot. Then, you know, the whole getting kids fed and in bed thing. I woke Friday feeling like my sinuses were flaring up – a little head heavy and tired – but went to work. When I got home, however, I just felt blah. I took a hot bath then a nap but I ended up canceling our Friday evening plans with the neighbors because I didn’t feel like even eating.

I did, however, wake up Saturday feeling just fine. I did sleep from 10:30PM to 7:30! But it was weird! I decided to get a quick 2 miler in, then I cleaned some and by 11, we were leaving for Bainbridge where the plan was to meet some brewing friends at Southern Philosophy. That was fun for a few hours; the beer and pizza were excellent. Came home and drank some more beer, watched a couple movies: Listen to Me and Like Father Like Son. For some reason, we wanted to see Kirk Cameron movies! They were both decent. Dakota had been at her friend’s/our neighbors’ pretty much since noon and we went over to watch the UFC fight later, and she spent the night. Tired from a long day, lots of beer, and recovering from illness, I was WORN.

Sunday I felt ok; eased into the morning with laundry and some cleaning. Our friend came over to watch the morning Premier League game, then we made lunch and I napped. Later on, we really just hung out, watched some stuff, including the new Game of Thrones. The jury is still out but I think it may be alright.

College courses began today so I’m back in the tutoring center. I’m here 3 days a week this semester and I teach back to back on T/Th. It’s going to be A LOT this term but I am strong! Hopefully this illness is basically gone and I can move forward with a clear mind.


This week is all about songs you heard on the radio. When I was a kid, my dad always played the radio in the car, so that was a big deal for me discovering music. So this one is a song I secretly loved but hated when he sang along to it!

This one is a song I discovered by listening to the radio as a teen in my room. I recorded songs and this was one I specifically remember catching and listening to time and time again.

5 thoughts on “MMMM + Been a few weird days

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