MMMM + Busy and Cruddy weekend

Sigh. Someone showed up in my office the second I walked in the door so I have been busy with that and website work things so this post is late coming. Sorry!

Friday afternoon Ash and I went to lunch (I got a salad; good for me!) and then saw Star Trek: into Darkness. I really liked it. I would say if the first one was about an 85-88, this one was about and 82-84. Good action, story, characters, etc. We got the kids but then both Ash and I fell asleep for a bit. Somehow, the kids managed to entertain themselves… quietly! Well, I thought so anyway. I later found a book that Isaac had torn AND cut. Where he found scissors, I have no clue! I had to get a ton of necessities so we went to Target. There, Isaac brought one of Elliot’s hats inside… and left it in the cart! I stopped into Chik-fil-A for the kids on the way out, got almost all the way home, and realized the absence of said hat. Annoyed, I turned around but by that time, the carts had been taken inside and it was gone. I was livid at first but then calmed down and the kids and I went through the whole “it’s just a thing” speech. No big deal; things get lost. But sigh.

Isaac went to a pool birthday party Saturday morning with Ash and I took Elliot to his last tee ball game. Ash and Isey joined us in time for trophies and post-game pizza. Nap and then in the afternoon, we went to one of Ash’s co-worker’s houses to pay with her kids and jump on their trampoline. Kids had a blast. Picked up sandwich things and I basically watched TV all night. Ash slept on the couch for about an hour before heading out to a house-warming party. I couldn’t sleep for some reason so that kind of sucked. He got in around 2 and that is when I finally passed out.

The next day, it was my intention to exercise more patience with Elliot and to clean up in the house. Well, some of that got done. I was very good with him. We went to Home Depot for a string trimmer and some top soil and basil. Then I made a big lunch. But Elliot, oh boy. What a mood he was in. Whiny and ungrateful and downright spoiled. UGH. By then end of the day, he was pretty much done. When we put on Swiss Family Robinson and all he did was complain, we told him he could either watch or go in his room, which he did and promptly fell asleep… at 6:30. I guess he just really needed the sleep!

(BTW, I went out to Target Sunday afternoon for some shirts and thought – what the hell – and asked if anyone had turned in our lost hat… and they did! There are some good people still in this world.)

Today has already been one of those “if it can go wrong, it has” kind of days but at least Ell is in a better mood. I took Todd to the vet this morning so let’s hope he’s ok in general; he turns 9 on Saturday!



So this week’s theme is “Summer songs”. I took the liberty of also adding in an element. 🙂

Also linking up here:

10 thoughts on “MMMM + Busy and Cruddy weekend

  1. Two wonderful summer songs! Haven’t things been busy lately. Glad to hear that you got the hat back, sad to hear about the news of the book. I remember my daughter got a hold of some scissors and made confetti out of two of my cassette tapes when she was young.

  2. Summer Breeze is a really nice song. I almost went with it. I’m sorry for dancing with you so late, but I’ve been in the hospital (got out Tuesday). Doing better, but not 100% yet. Thanks for linking up with the 4M crew!

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