13 Things I did want as a kid and things I do want now

Wow, that title is convoluted! Anyway, I got the idea from Cathy Kennedy who listed 10 things she wanted for Christmas as a kid. I’m going to split it: some I wanted as a kid and some I want now.

1.) Kid want – The Lego Galaxy Explorer space train. I was really into Legos as a kid and this was the ultimate desire. Unfortunately, my parents could never afford it.

2.) Adult want – Dyson vacuum. I have an OK Hoover but it doesn’t handle hair well; I have already had the roller replaced after only 1.5 years.

3.) Kid want – Ecto 1 Ghostbuster car. I had a lot of the Ghostbuster action figures but never the car.

4.) Adult want – Tauntaun sleeping bag – For the Star Wars nerd in all of us.

5.) Kid want – Nintendo! The original. I asked for it year after year and what did I get? SEGA Genesis!

6.) Adult want – One time hardcore lawn cleaning. I have a ton of accumulated leaves and a generally unclean backyard because we have so many years. I want a service to come just once and get rid of it all, then I can maintain it.

7.) Kid want – Skip-it! I got one for maybe my 7th birthday and it broke within five minutes of use. I never got another.

8.) Adult want – Tamron 60 mm macro lens. Oh God, this would be amazing!

9.) Kid want – To see New Kids on the Block in concert. Yup, it’s true.

10.) Adult want – Cash. Yeah, I know it’s boring for family members who ask what I want but we all know that this comes in way more handy than that gaudy sweater or a random kitchen device.

11.) Kid want – a dog! I always wanted a puppy and we didn’t even get one until I was 13!

12.) Adult want – 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep. I have been on an AWFUL sleep schedule lately and it’s starting to affect my life.

13.) Gonna cheat and do another adult want – For my family to be happy and healthy. Really, this isn’t too much to ask.

7 thoughts on “13 Things I did want as a kid and things I do want now

  1. I had a skip-it! AND a Sega Genesis (actually, I thought it was cooler than all the other kids’ Nintendos…Sonic was cool). Never got to see the New Kids, although I was a big fan! (and…well…I still kind of am. I still have my Donnie doll!)

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