Wednesday ‘Podge – Make a plan, man!

1. When did you last have cancelled plans? Were you happy about that or disappointed? 

Hmm, when I read this question, I had that little flag wave in my memory that said that I HAVE done this recently but I honestly cannot remember the specifics. I guess the only thing I’ll say is that Ash has a conference in early June and originally, I was going to do down and spend a couple days with him after it but then I decided I just can’t do it. I was disappointed, since it’s happening in my old hometown, but at the same time, I’d rather stay here and hold down the fort.

2. On a scale of 1-10 how much of a planner are you?

1= I go where the wind takes me  

10=I’ve got a power point on it, no matter what it is

I’m probably about an 8. I LIKE to have plans and usually do make them ahead of time but only so much. Here’s how I really am: make plans for something but then, once I am there, I can roll with the punches and go as the wind takes me – within reason, of course.

3. Do you have a menu plan for the week? If so tell us one or two things that are on it. If not, what’s your plan for not having a plan lol? 

I go in phases of having a plan but lately, yes. We have a whiteboard with an attached chalk portion in our living room and I write out the entire week’s schedule of events (kid activities, Elliot’s work nights, our various outing) and on the chalk side, I have a real physical calendar hanging on a magnet hook and then next to that, a weekly meal plan. This week, we have chicken tacos and steak on the menu.

4. The Hodgepodge lands on National Bucket List Day. Do you have a bucket list? Is it written down or just in your head? What is one thing on your bucket list? If you don’t have a list, what is one thing you’d add to a list if you did? Yes I’m going to make you think about it. 

I definitely don’t have one but sometimes things come up that make me think they were things I DID want to do. I guess one thing would be white water rafting, which we are doing this summer. I’d also like to publish a book and I think I’ll probably make that happen… some day.

5. Rain buckets, a drop in the bucket, couldn’t carry a tune in a bucket, sweat buckets, cry buckets…which ‘bucket’ idiom applies to your life in some way currently? 

I am going to go with a tie between sweat and cry buckets, because I’m sweating about trying to find a new job but also, crying about it.

6. Insert your own random thought here.  

I feel like a real basketcase today; just not really aware and sort of feeling like I don’t have a grip on myself. But yesterday was nice; left at 2:30 and picked up a couple store items before making a salsa and guac – both of which turned out great. Snacked on those then made chicken tacos and took Dakota to dance. The boys were at each others’ throats for some reason but managed to turn it around, then went outside to shoot BB guns together. I put on some yacht rock and sat outside with my middle boy while he aimed at various targets. After my daughter got back from dance and ate, we all watched The Last Samurai, one of our favorite movies.

But yeah, today I just feel out of it and sort of frantic and restless. Could be holdover from yesterday’s full moon or mid-40s hormones but ugh. I am sure it will turn around as the day goes on. I’ll peruse jobs, read, write, watch youtube. We’re having steak later and I’ll leave around 3 to make mashed potatoes and corn and then we’re going to the playground in the evening, just for something different to do. Boys won’t come because they’re too old but Koda still enjoys it.

8 thoughts on “Wednesday ‘Podge – Make a plan, man!

  1. Mostly planners in the Hodgepodge…I’m not surprised lol. Keep on keeping on. The right job will come along. I’ve never been white water rafting. I’m not good with a lot of motion on the water so will probably not try this, but have fun!!

  2. You pretty much have to have planners when you have children – juggling all their activities and such. I’m retired now from “planning” and life is so much freer and enjoyable. But that’s just me. I think I’m burned out from all the planning and busyness from when my boys were in sports.

  3. About 18 years ago, the kids and I were in Colorado and we went white water rafting on the Arkansas river. It was the last week of May/first week of June and the water was moving fast and was ice cold because it was “snow melt.” We wore wet suits. It was thrilling and cold and fun and scary . . .all of the things!! I would definitely say “go for it”! When you have kids at home, who are involved in various activities, I don’t know how you could live without some organization/lists/calendars/meal plans!

  4. Sorry about the whole job situation and how that is playing on your emotions and outlook. Hope a good job comes up for you. Your planning boards sound great. Chicken tacos and steak sound like two great meals! It’s steak tomorrow night for us. Hope by now you are feeling better!

  5. Enjoyed reading your answers. Way to go on keeping a board with the weekly schedule. Praying you find a new job soon. ((HUGS)) on your random.

  6. I’m so sorry you have felt out of sorts. I had a day like that yesterday (wednesday) just felt kind of meh!

    I enjoyed the rest of your answers. How fun to publish a book…what would it be about?

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