Thursday 13 – Oh, it’s A LOT

  1. So I am giving First Commerce another shot; I’d interviewed weeks ago and then my friend, who works in the same department, warned me against working there. However, I have another friend who works there and he thought she was crazy for saying that. In some ways, I kind of believe him more. I’ve known him longer and he’s a lot more… even-keeled than she is. So I am reinterviewing for the same job with the same guy tomorrow. I don’t even know what else we’ll talk about!
  2. Similarly, on Wednesday afternoon I got a call from Dept of Education for a program specialist position. Looks like mostly creating materials, editing, etc. Pays more than I make now so that’s good. That interview is next Wednesday…right before vacation! I have so many options; it’s invigorating.
  3. I clicked on a similar post yesterday at the bottom of my blog and found my 2018 Summer ramblings. It’s so funny how back then, we still really loved Proof brewery. It was also when I still loved hazies (NE IPAs) and they were at the Railroad Square location. It was a cool outdoor area that welcomed kids. Then they moved up the road and put more emphasis on distribution and stopped caring about customers. Can’t even get a sample now! You probably have Proof 850 where you live even, they distribute so far. (Internationally I think.) But so funny because I avoid them like the plague now.
  4. So, a few weeks ago our boss told us we could park under the building in the summer when the reps are gone. Mostly b/c they closed our closer entrance for construction so our garage is a seven minute walk now. I didn’t even bother but then Wednesday, I asked a coworker to show me where they park and then this morning, I tried it. Issue one: my ID did not have the little P symbol like everyone else’s. Anyway, they called in and they said it was fine. I go down, park, then my badge won’t open the locked doors to go in. Sigh. I go back to my car, leave, then go to my normal lot and walk. It’s just how today is going to be, I see. I don’t mind the walk; I don’t know why I even bothered.
  5. Ash and I are about to adjust our eating again. I know we’ve been slowly working towards that and less beer but at the same time, he’s been feeling kind of bad, body-wise. So we have to make the changes. It’s probably made worse by the fact that we had, for a period of about two years, experienced the best we had ever felt. So now, when things are feeling crappy, it’s just worse. He’s having a lot of reflux and feeling super full after not a lot of food. I’m sleeping like crap. Time to adjust! It will be hard but we can do it, I know it.
  6. I was having a really good day yesterday but today, I feel unsettled again. What with the above point, my son being annoyed by work, my middle being a total slacker this week, and my daughter with some kind of head cold, it all just feels blah. But chin up; I can and will make myself happy. I’m hoping Ell has a good shift, Isaac will feel renewed after doing the work I left on the list for him, and Dakota feels better soon.
  7. I also hope Ash is able to pick up this trainer bike today. One of those nice ones too; he is looking for a way to train for long rides without having to be out on the roads. Plus, he’s ready to take on some additional exercise other than walking. And it’s so hot lately it’s just awful out. Now, for me personally, I’m not really minding it but he can’t stand the heat.
  8. If he does get it though, we will need to really rearrange. We have a dining room that we have never used as such. We made it his game room for all the old systems. But right now, it is housing part of the beer can collection and some other boxes of bottles we inherited. So we will have to make space for it so he can ride and watch TV.
  9. My oldest just left for work and texted how excited he is for our trip. Honestly, with it only one week away, my stomach drops every time I think about it. He’s looking forward to flying; I am not. He’s excited for white water rafting; I am…nervous. I guess it feels safer to me than a roller coaster so I will of course do it. Even if it makes me nervous.
  10. I will say though: it’s going to be really nice to just…get away. I need the break from everything here. And hopefully some of these interviews will lead to offers!
  11. I’m bailing on 12 and 13 because I have to get my act together and grade papers.

3 thoughts on “Thursday 13 – Oh, it’s A LOT

  1. It sounds like you may have many job options soon! I love to fly but I know many who do not. Your vacay sounds great and it will for sure be good to get away from some of the unsettleness (sp?) you are feeling with regard to your job.

  2. Yeah, good luck on all of it! Hope you get the job that you’ll really like, be treated well and make lots of money. Hope y’all have a great vacation too. I remember those days of long trips. Don’t think I could physically do that now. God bless! 💙

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