Random Tuesday – Last day o’ April

  • Man, I was in a bad mood Monday. Partially it was due to having such nice dreams the night before but then being slapped in the face by, you know, having to go back to work. Then crunching my budget, of course, is always a stressor. Granted, I knew this one would be rough but then next month I’m back on track with my normal # of classes taught. THANK GOD.
  • The end is in sight at least but I won’t have a lot of liquid capital until the end of May. Luckily we don’t have too much going on this month!
  • I will say, cooking has been a real help with my overall depression. I’m sort of living for making food these days. Last night I made steak, baked potatoes, and green beans (as well as sauteed mushrooms and onions) for me and Ash and for the kids, I did these garlic chicken bites and just some mac and cheese. But it’s very cathartic, even though I spend over two hours cooking/cleaning. It makes me feel accomplished.
  • We watched Rosemary’s Baby last night because Ash said he’d never seen it but I SWEAR we watched it, like, 20 years ago. Anyway, it was pretty good, as horror/thrillers go. Though – spoiler alert – I found it a little hard to believe all these old people are Satanists but hey, it was the late 60s so we didn’t have the internet to debunk a lot of stuff.
  • Speaking of creepy stuff, I bought tix for the Medieval Torture Museum for when we go to St. Augustine this weekend. I’ve done most of the stuff there I’ve wanted to – the wax museum, Fountain of Youth, Pirate Treasure museum – but never this one. I honestly thought it might be a little scary. But one thing I have learned about myself over the past, oh, four years or so, is that I am not as scared by things as I used to be. I always avoided horror movies like the plague for the fear of, well, the unknown. But I’m just not creeped out as much anymore.
  • We are staying pretty close to all the places we want to go this weekend – Bog brewing (1.2 miles), that museum (1.3 miles), and where the brew fest is (.7 miles) so we’ll be doing a bit of walking, which is good. That’s our typical plan whenever we travel and I like that; avoid unnecessary Uber trips.
  • Yesterday I was saying how I’m still listening to the same old music but it’s kind of not true. I have been into the newest Knocked Loose but as they say, know your audience. Sharing that in a Music Monday post isn’t what people want. But honestly, this band is keeping hardcode alive. But on the other hand, I am still deeply invested in Sleep Token. So to finalize this post and give you a bit of whiplash, I go from the first to the second back to back and love it.

2 thoughts on “Random Tuesday – Last day o’ April

  1. I have three more classes (so three semesters) before I graduate with my AA in General Studies. I’ve been doing some research about colleges around me (like UAB, Auburn, AUM, etc.) who offer online BA degrees. I know you’ve taught several online classes. Which schools? Do you have some you recommend more than others? Cost effective? If you have info to share, you can email me at lelliott@trinitybirmingham.com.

  2. Rosemary’s Baby – that movie freaked me out when I was a kid (thinking of the poster), and I couldn’t get myself to watch it. I’m thinking that now, it wouldn’t phase me too much.

    Your cooking activities sound healthy, mentally and physically!

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