Wednesday ‘Podge – Final post for a bit

1. What do you think has remained the same about you your whole life? How has your perception of yourself changed over time?

Hmm, I think the one thing that comes to mind is that I always want to be a little different. If everyone is running one direction, I’ll probably look to run the other. It’s just in my nature. I won’t say I cannot be swayed to follow but my first instinct is not to.

Yes, I do think I have changed the way I see myself, but it has really changed in the last decade. From about 35-45, I gained so much self-confidence and patience.

2. What was the first thing you learned how to cook? Do you prefer to cook or bake? 

Hmm, that’s tough actually. Might have been mac and cheese, from the box! I recall making a box every day after school when I was about 15/16 (that’s how I got fat; lol). I got a lot better as I started dating and then married my husband; I had to! I prefer cooking over baking, simply because we don’t eat a ton of sweets. I actually do enjoy cooking quite a bit.

3. What are some of your current priorities in this season of life? Elaborate. 

Anyone who reads my blog knows I’m trying to get a new job. So priority #1 is to get something that pays similar or more but has better hours. When that is finalized, then I need to focus on saving money and launching our oldest, who is a senior this year. So yeah, that’s what the priority is now but I am sure it’ll change as soon as he is out.

4. How much time do you spend on your hair each day or, put another way, what’s your hair care routine? Do you get it cut regularly or just whenever the mood strikes? Do you go to the same stylist every time? Do you tell your stylist everything? Any other beauty treatments you indulge in throughout the year? 

I wish I spent more time but I am not all that interested. I have curly hair, naturally, but I grow it out so it’s long enough to always put up. I would like to get it trimmed and leave it down but by the time it dries and gets fluffier, I hate it touching my face and I put it up anyway. I do not cut regularly; I am too utilitarian for any kind of salon experience. The only other “beauty treatment” I indulge in are pedis, and I need one right now, but don’t have time before vacation!

5. What is the most awe-inspiring place you’ve visited? 

OK if we are being honest, I am guessing on the trip we leave for this week, I will accomplish this one. We are headed west and the scenery there will probably satisfy this answer. Up until now, we have traveled to a lot of places but nothing too awe-inspiring. I guess if you want an answer, I will say when we went to Hawaii and drove around the big island. There’s something really neat about seeing lava fields, rolling green hills, lush jungles, and black and green sand beaches all in one four hour trip.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

OK folks, I have to seriously compartmentalize today! I have to finish grading papers for one of my online jobs and then I have an interview at 3. Once that’s done, I have to make dinner and then finalize all the packing! We don’t head out until 9 am tomorrow but I don’t want to be doing anything last minute.

I think I’ve gotten over that portion of trip-prep that involves being worried and scatterbrained. That was me yesterday. I was prepping and thinking I was ahead but then I sort of felt like I was going to forget things and all and it sort of stunted my progress and made me angry. But today I feel a renewed sense of confidence in myself. I am sure I am not the only one who gets like this. My husband was playing it cool but I know he’s stressed too; there’s always an element of that before you begin.

But I am definitely looking forward to just getting on with it; not the flying part but everything else. The American West is so intriguing to me and I cannot wait to see more of it, and especially to show the kids. We took them to Phoenix in 2019 for a wedding but man, I cannot believe that was 5 years ago now! My daughter, who is almost 11, has no recollection of it at all, somehow. So yeah, wish us luck and who knows? I may do a couple blog posts as check-ins. As an online teacher I do still have to be on here at times so we’ll see. Until then…!

12 thoughts on “Wednesday ‘Podge – Final post for a bit

  1. #1 ~ Same. If many are ‘running’ in one direction I go the other way or wait to see what’s happening or what the truth is before reacting. I’m simply made that way.

    #5 ~ For me it was my first visit to the desert Southwest. The Grand Canyon and Zion National Park were awe inspiring. I think that’s the only time I said “wow” more than once. Loved it there. Don’t want to live there but the visit was fantastic.

    #6 ~ Have a great vacation! Be safe and take lots of pics.

    Oh, and good luck on a new job. Prayers that it all works out well for y’all. 💙

  2. Good questions and answers this week. Your #1, I think that’s healthy.

    I hope you check in with some inspired awe! But don’t feel bad if you don’t. Enjoy!

  3. I know your trip out West will be most enjoyable. Thanks for stopping by and enjoy your time away and good luck with finding a new job.

  4. The, ¨I am too utilitarian…¨ is so relatable to me! I dislike so much about the salon experience. BUT, it was to the point that I was embarrassed at how bad my hair looked before Alyssa´s graduation so I went to a salon. Paid almost $400 for Abby and me to get our hair highlight and cut. It killed me. The kicker was I was supposed to have seen my sister in late April who would have cut my hair for $0. Have a great time on your trip… looking forward to hearing about it :).

    1. I have had some salon days for things like weddings, etc and I always like my look but I just cannot justify the money! I will totally just go to Supercuts and tell them to take 5 inches and be done with it. Thanks; hope my trip is good too!

  5. I love it out west and hope you enjoy your holiday ! It’s a beautiful part of the country for sure, and very different from Florida! Safe travels!

  6. That’s interesting about the mac and cheese. Hope you get a job soon. Hope your interview goes well. I haven’t had to deal with curly full hair but it does sound like a challenge. I haven’t been to Hawaii yet but I can tell you the west is beautiful. Enjoy! Have a wonderful trip. I’m a terrible packer, I take to much. However I do make a list of all that I need to take.

  7. I hope you find that perfect job opportunity soon, and that your trip west is amazing! I’m sure you’ll see some awe-inspiring sights, although Hawaii seems like it would be quite awe-inspiring too! Hope you’re having a great week!

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