Friday Five – Good mood, half day, lake tomorrow

  1. I woke up in an uncharacteristically good mood. Could be because it’s Friday, could be because my husband is coming out of whatever funk he was in. Either way, I’m not going to question it, just ride it.
  2. I have that 1:30 interview so I’m thinking I’ll leave at 12:30. This will give me time to hit the store before going home to set up my computer for the meeting. I am also excited to have the afternoon to do stuff in my house; I feel like I am always so far behind! Last night we saw The Bikeriders and were actually home around 7:30. We cleaned up in the game room and Ash put his new trainer bike in there. I assume today he’ll mess around with it and possibly do a ride.
  3. As usual, people do things later than we ever would; tomorrow, we are meeting our friends at their lake house at 2 and they don’t plan to eat until about 5. See now, I’d tell people 9ish then make lunch and let people go home for dinner. Especially since it’s an hour away. But hey, I’m just glad we got an invite. AND their cousins are coming after all, which means Dakota’s dance friend will be there too.
  4. As noted, I am getting pretty excited about vacation. The good thing about vacations is not only the experience, but just the break from regular life for a bit. We’ve all been going so hard for a while now and this will be a great way to just escape. The family always comes out of these trips stronger as well. We get to know each other again. The daily grind can really make it so we aren’t truly connecting, if that makes sense. I mean, Isaac not being a counselor this session has been weird; he just stays at home. Granted, he hung out with his friends a couple times. But even my oldest has been working day shifts so even he isn’t home.
  5. I made a map (there’s a cool google maps feature where you can mark things, take notes, and share) for the Albuquerque breweries but now I have to move on to Denver. If anyone has been there and has a favorite, I’m interested. I usually just go to Reddit for that (while I would normally ignore that site entirely). But there’s always a lot of good advice on there for that. I know we aren’t just going to breweries on our trip but once you map that stuff out, it makes it a whole lot easier!

2 thoughts on “Friday Five – Good mood, half day, lake tomorrow

  1. We haven’t been to the desert Southwest since late 1979. I remember enjoying it immensely. I hope y’all have a great time, come back safe. đź’™

  2. I miss taking family vacations with the kids. You’re right about how they make the family stronger – nice memories for later.

    I’m not far from Denver, but generally avoid it :P.
    A lot of good breweries in Fort Collins, though!

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