Friday Five – Yay for weekends

  1. I have an interview with AHCA today at 1; they’re the state healthcare division. It’s an admin job but would keep my good benefits and state retirement. We shall see! I don’t exactly feel 100% today; just sort of an upset stomach but hopefully as the morning progresses, I’ll get to feeling better. Especially since afterwards, my son and I have a sushi date!
  2. This was more a point for my Thursday 13 but I forgot. I’m in this FB group, 80s hardrock, glam, and metal, and I asked which lead singer aged the best. The post got a gazillion comments, of course, but one was from the singer and founder of the band Pretty Boy Floyd, so that was pretty neat. He of course said himself. LOL. He does still look pretty good, I guess.
  3. I successfully ran Brew Club last night. I had to act as president AND VP, since our vice president’s wife had appendix surgery yesterday. I tell you, it is always something! But the slides turned out well, we had a decent # of people, considering three of them are all together at the same conference down south! We also had 6 homebrews so that was a good number. Granted, only 2 people brought, but still. One of the old timers came up to me at the end of the meeting and said he thought I did a good job. Oh, and people liked my mead. First time ever making any and I had no idea what I was doing; lol.
  4. As of this morning, I am not sure if my husband is coming home tonight or tomorrow. He sent a text yesterday saying they are thinking about staying one more night. I kind of hope he does come home tonight, since we have a party to go to tomorrow but I also understand why they’d stay; the conference doesn’t end until 12 today then they have to pack up and then drive back and it’s pretty far: seven hours. So I guess if they stay I will still go to said party, with Dakota, and try to be sociable. We know the people hosting it and maybe one more person but that’s it.
  5. I’m making a crockpot mac and cheese for the party and I have not done this before, ever. I don’t know why; maybe it’s mushy noodles but this one specifically works around that and actually only cooks for about 50 mins. But it’s a good complimentary dish for a crowd where hot dogs and hamburgers are the main. On Sunday, Ash wanted his typical birthday meal, which is a Thanksgiving meal. So this weekend will be A LOT of cooking!

One thought on “Friday Five – Yay for weekends

  1. Good luck on the new job. I hope you hear good news. Sorry about the stomach pains. I hope that’s gone by now. Whenever I have those I drink a LOT of ice, cold water but I have IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). For some odd reason that helps. Can’t hurt, right? lol Get well soon. And I hope Ash is home tonight. I know when Steve goes off I’m always anxious for him to return. He’s my split-apart. Have a great day and weekend! Blessings. 💙

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