Writer’s Workshop – Never too old to learn

Share something you learned last month.

Oh Lordy, I am always adding something to the pile but what I came out of May with was a two-fold thing: I learned how to pray and to control how I react to/feel about things. These go hand in hand, really. I was allowing outside forces to sway me and make me nervous and anxious to the point of almost being so in a tizzy I could barely function. Sounds more dramatic than it is but I was going through moments, a few hours a day, when I’d feel so worried about something it was all I could think about. I’d obsess and worry and get myself so upset my stomach hurt.

But I’d force myself to take a step back and think “is this worrying fixing the problem?” I turned to Pinterest to look up some prayers for anxiety and started “giving it to God.” Once my mind was calmed, I could move on; apply for a job, find a place I could cut some spending in one way or another. It really helped me balance my life a lot more. Are all my issues solved? No. Did some things come about that helped? Absolutely! I got a second section at one of my online schools, so that helped. I started getting interviews, job leads. It really did turn around. And if that doesn’t speak to the power of prayer, I don’t know what does!

5 thoughts on “Writer’s Workshop – Never too old to learn

  1. I loved this. Worry is so easy to fall into, but in reality solves nothing. I’m glad you saw answers to your prayers.

  2. John Wimber, who founded The Vineyard churches, said his favorite prayer was “HELP!!!”

    Mary has been saying the Rosary every morning. She says it’s really helped her put things into perspective, with all this home repair and semi-invalid husband.

    Glad you’ve figured out a way to deal with the stress…

  3. Very proud of you! Well done. Jesus cares. He states quite clearly that He wants to handle all our problems and concerns. You’ll live longer, feel better, and if we let Him have His Royal Way by giving it to Him. It honors Him when we trust in His will. I’ve had to learn that too. Once upon a time I would fret so much over everything that if there was an Olympics For Worriers I would have won the gold medal! lol

    Philippians 4:6: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” 💙

  4. I have a friend on goodreads who lists “worrying” as one of her hobbies. You’re not alone!

    Good for you for “giving it to God”. I get in worry spirals sometimes. I’ve never been a churchgoer, but I find listening to contemporary Christian music helps me.

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