Thursday 13 – I feel good today but it’s crazy

  1. I’ve started perusing Pinterest for dinners to make next week when my husband is out of town. I usually take a stab at more interesting recipes, things he may not really eat. The kids tend to be a little more adventurous. So if you have any to share, please do!
  2. I always think I won’t drink a lot when he’s gone but I’ll get stressed and want to drink a beer to relax every night, I know it. Though, one a day isn’t bad, you know? Actually, on that note, I have a feeling that every night, I’ll probably sit outside while the kids swim after camp and dinner. That might be really nice! When he’s home, we tend to do other things like play a game together or watch a movie. This will be a nice reprieve.
  3. Also, I do like when Ash goes out of town because we usually come back and appreciate each other a lot more. I can tell he’s stressed about the work trip so I will also be glad once it’s done.
  4. At the end of July, it’ll be two years since my grandpa died. Sometimes I remember something that he’d have liked and I think to call him. It’s crazy that that still happens. I came to terms with him being gone a while ago but that still surfaces now and then.
  5. I took two 30 minute walks with a friend this week and that made me feel good, even though it’s a bit warm out and with the AC still out in our office, that first 10 mins after getting back inside are a little rough. But I feel like it’s a good start to the running plan I detailed the other day. If I am early to camp today I will probably walk in the park until it’s time to get them. I forgot my running clothes!
  6. I got an email for an interview for a medical division of the state job that I’d applied for. It’s admin in nature and while at the high end it pays right, the low does not. BUT it would be in the state retirement and have the good benefits. So that’s a plus. Also, that building is not too far from the house and I wouldn’t have to go downtown. In fact, it would cut my commute by 10 minutes. Who knows? But I will definitely interview for it and see. Again, options!
  7. I figure as long as I am making forward progress, good to go. I hope. I cannot sit around every day and stress about it, can I?
  8. Thursday now and I got in and these damned portable air units are still here but today, they blew a fuse in half the office so only one of my outlets works and I guess no one one the right side of the suite is working. This goes for our break room and the fridge/freezer. I thought it was my laptop at first because I plugged it in and it wasn’t charging. Then my lamp wouldn’t come on so I figured just a bulb. Luckily it’s not my stuff but who knows when they’ll fix it. The A/C was supposed to be done over the weekend!
  9. I’m betting some people will get to work and bail. Honestly, they need to tell the Speaker because he’d probably let us work from home. It’s hot in here, nothing works. If there’s any reason to give us a break, this is it. I can always hope that maybe tomorrow he’d tell us we could. Boy could I use a day at home! We have to brew another pilsner and my yeast finally showed up. It was supposed to last week then I got a notification that UPS had issues delivering to my house. Which makes no sense. So it got transferred to USPS and I got a notification that they had incomplete address info. What the heck? It was ordered from Amazon, where they have and have had my info forever. Then it just magically showed up on Tuesday. SMH.
  10. I have A LOT of grading to do, as two of my online classes ended and I have to do final scores and then I have two new ones starting, as well as two sets of classes to grade for another school. So even if they let us go, I am not free of responsibilities.
  11. We were running behind this morning, the kids and I. I forgot I hand washed an old Sacramento Kings jersey for Isaac to wear today for Sports Team day at camp, then when I realized it was still in the water in the laundry room sink, I had to dry it last minute. That on top of Dakota wanting breakfast (grits and an egg) and me being scatterbrained, we got them to camp RIGHT on time. While it’s only a volunteer position, if he has to be there at 7:30 then I don’t want to be late. That’s his responsibility. And I hate being late. Meanwhile, it doesn’t matter when I get here, as no one else is when I arrive.
  12. Ash has been researching our Germany trip (2025) and all I hear when he watches videos is food related things. Last night I made red cabbage and sausage with mustard. I think I’ll do just fine when we get there! So yummy.
  13. OK, time to get to work here and stop putting it off. I have a headache though and with the heat in here, I am feeling subpar. Wish me luck!

4 thoughts on “Thursday 13 – I feel good today but it’s crazy

  1. There´s nothing quite like government retirement and health benies. I might pursue work within the government- maybe for our local school district this fall. We pay soooo much for health insurance right now (small business owner probs). Paying less than astronomical for not great coverage would be nice! Speaking of nice, how nice will a trip to Germany be? Sprichst du Deutsch? Have fun planning that!

    1. yeah we have both had the gov’t benefits a while and I am always thankful we don’t pay hardly anything! And yeah, Germany is going to be awesome. I don’t speak it yet but my husband is currently doing both duolingo and babel so it will be my turns soon enough!

  2. My husband does 99.9% of the cooking, I clean up. Earlier this week he made Keto Brazilian Cheese Bread. It was SO good! If you want the recipe, just holler. It’s super easy.

    You’re tougher than me Gunga Din. *lol* If there’s no A/C there’s no me. I can’t take it.

    Now, I’ll join you in that beer! My favorite is Blue Moon Belgium White. My opinion is one a day will not hurt you. As long as the drink is the servant and not the master you’re good. I usually have a little bit of red or white wine of the evening (lower carbs). Helps me sleep and keeps the tummy happy.

    Sparky 💙

    1. We drank Blue Moon A LOT when we first got into buying kegs but then once I got into making beer, my tastes changed and I don’t like a wheat anymore. And I agree: so long as you aren’t living to drink then you’re good. We taper during the week but if events arise on the weekends, well, bring on the beer!

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