Wednesday ‘Podge – Getting cheesy

1. It’s National Cheese Day (June 4)…does anyone not like cheese? What’s your favorite? Last thing you ate or made with cheese? 

I’m sure there’s someone out there who doesn’t like cheese but there may be something wrong with them. Favorite? That’s tough; I like gouda, sharp cheddar, goat, gruyere, port salut. Well, I guess I like almost all of them! Last night we had a lasagna so it had parmesan, mozzarella, and ricotta. So good.

2. Last time you were instructed to ‘say cheese!’? How do you feel about having your picture taken? 

I’m usually the one behind the camera; the last time we took a photo was probably a week or so ago with friends. I don’t like my pic being taken but I know I should be in more because I’m going to want to look back.

3. What’s your travel packing strategy? Are you typically a light packer or do you throw in everything but the kitchen sink? When flying do you check a bag or aim for carry on only? 

I try to pack light and as smartly as possible. Sometimes if I know I have extra room, I’ll bring choices. Like, it’s it a weekend getaway for just me and Ash, I’ll bring 3 shirts for an event just in case I’m not happy with how it looks. When we fly, we have to check. Mostly because the last few times, it’s been with the kids too so there’s just way too much. This summer’s trip will be a lot like last where we brought 4-5 days of clothes then I’ll plan to do laundry at one of the airbnbs. I can’t bring 2 weeks’ worth of clothes for 5 people!

4. What is it about people’s cell phone habits that you find most annoying? 

OMG, not driving properly because they’re watching tik tok or some nonsense, talking on speaker in the bathroom, talking on speaker in a public place, and a cashier or an employee on their phone ignoring a customer. All that annoys the crap out of me.

5. What will be your summer mantra/slogan? 

Hmm, how about one day at a time. I have a job, I’m trying to find a job, we have bills and extra expenses and a vacation. One. Day. At. A. Time. This will help.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

On Sunday and Monday, I found I was just not very hungry. I ate once and just didn’t eat much. Then Tuesday came and I was seemingly starving. I got some chicken and dumplings and black eyed peas down in the cafeteria, even though I planned to make pollo con queso for dinner. Sometimes I think a two meal day interspersed with the ones can help.

I didn’t do it Tuesday since I had to pick up extra people after work, but my plan going forward, since my son volunteers at the camp until 4:30, is to leave at 3:30 and go to their park but then do some jogging until it’s time to get them. It’ll take a bit of planning to get half my running clothes on before I leave the office but then it will probably be good for me. I just don’t have time in the morning or after I get home. I do still try to make a meal each night that we don’t have something else going on. And by that I mean, when something random with friends comes up. Thankfully it is summer so any kid plans are just them hanging out with friends.

We had Saturday plans with our neighbors who notoriously cannot make plans work and then of course, they bailed. LOL. I was not surprised but the woman made them with me before remembering it’s their anniversary and they’re going out. THAT is the kind of people they are: scatterbrained. Oh well. I am sure other plans will arise. They always do. Heck, we were invited to Island Wings last night for trivia but I wasn’t down to a. pay high beer prices and b. 7 PM trivia on a Tuesday? No thanks.

16 thoughts on “Wednesday ‘Podge – Getting cheesy

  1. One day at a time is a good mantra for us all. That’s how life is meant to be lived, but we muck it up a lot. I’ve become so aware of how easy it is to reach for my phone whenever there is even a few minutes of waiting. Trying to do less of that. Have a great day!

  2. Your trivia on a Tuesday reminds me that I ran into a friend recently who became an empty nester this past year. (She and her husband absolutely love it, btw to the point that she is a little bummed that her college kids are home for the summer (which I found odd and at a minimum would never admit to anyone if I felt that way!!)) She was telling me about all of their week night and weekend plans including trivia on Tuesdays. I was like, ¨Wait, you go out of the house on week nights?¨ I can´t see us doing much of that at all. Maybe every once in a while. One day at at time is a good mantra!

    1. Ha! Yes, I can totally see doing more weeknight things but I’d probably be happy to have kids home during the summer. We usually do trivia on Thursdays and I feel good about it only because we bring my youngest with us, because our friends’ kids are also friends so they run around and hit the dollar store, etc.

  3. One day at a time is an excellent mantra! On my blog, I told about my son-in-law and mother-in-law who are allergic to cheese. I have often wondered if they just don’t like cheese. They are the only two people I know who have said they were allergic to cheese and since I have horrible allergies, I’ve tried to be sensitive to that.

    1. I was pregnant at the same time as a friend from grad school and I remember when she had her second kid, I offered to make some meals for her and she told me anything without cheese and that was the first time I ran into someone who couldn’t have it. Super weird but I get it. Glad I can eat it though!

  4. Even though we are retired taking one day at a time is a very good plan. It’s so easy to get or feel rushed these days, isn’t it?!

    Since I’m a motorcyclist, don’t even get me started on the lack of lane discipline and inattentive drivers. Oi!

    Big fan of cheese here except for cheddar. Everything else, or even simply dairy in general, is a great big Get In My Belly from me. lol I carry lactose intolerance pills with me everywhere since I’m intolerant. Welcome to old age … 💙

  5. I’ve always been a compulsive planner … looking ahead, checking boxes (real and hypothetical). Now being retired, I think it’s high time to loosen the grip on the reins and take One.Day.At.A.Time. Great mantra!

    1. I enjoy planning but when it comes right down to it, there’s really only so much you can plan for. Sometimes life just happens and you have to roll with it.

  6. I think you may inspired several readers to follow your mantra and take life one day at a time. Being retired, I sometimes have to remind myself that I also need to add something to my day more than allowing it pass and then wonder what I accomplished. But an accomplishment-void day is alright too.

  7. One day at a time is a very good mantra! Had to laugh at your experience with a friend who is known to bail on plans. I have a friend like that and my other girlfriends know she has that tendency, so we always make plans for when it suits us and then have a betting pool on whether she will actually show up or not. LOL Hope you’re having a great week!

    1. LOL @ that friend. Yeah, when she contacted me I told my husband that we had VERY TENTATIVE Saturday plans. Ha! I knew she could never stick to it. The only time we end up seeing them is very spur of the moment.

  8. Lasagna is always good.. I don’t care for pictures of me but we do need them for the future generations. True, that’s to many clothes so doing laundry is your best bet. I swear to God that cars should not start with cell phones on. One day at a time is a good montra. Your random sounds kinda a busy.

  9. Boy, I’m really late commenting on this one. I’m on vacation so didn’t post to this weeks, so I figured I’d go back and comment on this HP. I enjoyed your answers. Oh boy, that would frustrate me about canceled plans. We have had that happen and with people who do it often. Obviously things come up but sometimes, it just seems to be what happens all the time with certain people. There are times I don’t get the food til the day of…lol.

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