Friday Five – Made it through another week

  1. Yes, the week had its ups and downs but was generally good. We saw family, saw my younger two move on from elementary and middle school, respectively, and had a nice Thursday wherein we saw a movie and took a long walk. I slept great too!
  2. This morning was fraught – my middle boy’s bus didn’t come and Ash had already left to get his hair cut so my oldest had to take him but he too was on a tight schedule to get to his school and turn in some final assignments. I can’t do anything, here in my office, so I just told them to figure it out. I kind of miss the old days where the phone call wasn’t even possible. Imagine the 80s where the boys just…figure it out themselves because they knew the right things to do. I certainly do yearn for that simplicity.
  3. Speaking of, I have a feeling in the next few years, we could be moving. I don’t want to move away from my parents – not too far – but I am ready to move somewhere that’s a little more rural. I need quiet and less people. Even though this town is relatively small (180,000 or so) I just get irritated by so much. I’d hate to leave things behind but at the same time, change is good. I have to convince myself of that daily!
  4. Headed back to Gainesville today to help out with a beer competition and I was originally not going to go and didn’t want to but now I am a little excited about it. They’re holding it at the one brewery we did not go to before and after today’s events, there’s a pub crawl so I mean, should be fun! Just an overnight so I don’t feel bad about leaving the kids to their own devices (literally.)
  5. As noted in my post yesterday, my salt cell is not converting salt to chlorine so we will have to treat it like a chlorine pool for now. I can’t afford that part right now. But I am hoping we can at least have a nice swimmable summer now that the service will be cleaning and balancing my chemicals. I don’t want to pay it but it certainly does take a load off of me. I was so tired of buying chemicals and it never being right, on top of painfully vacuuming all the time and being frustrated. I know the kids will appreciate it. My daughter has two friends whose parents pay to use the community pool but it would be nice to reciprocate and let them swim at our house. Anyway, I am off to finish up some grading and hope everyone has a good holiday weekend!

4 thoughts on “Friday Five – Made it through another week

  1. After reading your post, I had to google how many people live where I live. We are in the greater Birmingham area and the Birmingham city limits has about 196,000 people (per google). Our city of Hoover has roughly 92,000 but we are in a subdivision of about 500 homes. I think the neighborhood can hold 725 homes. Sometimes I feel like we are in a small town of our own (which I love). Your town does sound like a nice size place with fun things to do.

    1. Tallahassee is an interesting dichotomy. The colleges make up a large portion of the population and those people kind of “don’t count” since they don’t vote or pay taxes. But then we have the “regular” people and North is very different than South in terms of income. It’s been a good place to live but I wouldn’t mind moving to the outskirts of say, Knoxville.

  2. I too decided to look up my town’s population. 2022 census says about 170k, and we are also a college town, so I wonder how much that fluctuates. And I get wanting to be away from people and congestion, but I like having easy access to lots of amenities, though too. Cake and eat it!

    Congrats to your “graduates”. It’s strange to me that the school bus just doesn’t show up some days 😛

  3. I hope your sons made it to school on time and everything got turned in! It must be helpful to have child driving. We, too, are thinking about moving. Our town is small (20k) and kind of nestled in between two cities. With the kids all about out of the house, we no longer need to stay in our town due to schools. It´s kind of fun to look (online) at homes for sale but stressful to think about ALL THE THINGS that would need to transpire for a sale to happen.

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