Random Tuesday – Be here, now

  • This Spring weather has been pretty crazy; insane thunder and lightning storms, wind, then cool mornings but then the temps have been mid to upper 80s. I don’t recall May being so bipolar when it comes to the weather.
  • I’m still sort of in limbo about the whole job thing. As I mentioned last week, I now have Fall prospects. TCC will have me back to teach and an old friend of mine said he can have me teach online at his community college too. I haven’t signed contracts or anything so this week will have to be working towards that. I’m not trying to get ahead of myself but I still do have a lot of applications out there too. My biggest stressor now is having to ask/beg my current boss to let me keep working through August. Please say a prayer that he is a kind and understanding man! He’s always been pretty nice, but comes across as very stiff and strict. I do believe he’s pretty big in the Mormon church so maybe that will help with the, you know, kind heart.
  • Last Thursday, I chose to walk down the 15 flights of stairs in my building and somehow, it killed my calves. I’m feeling a little better now but I was sore all weekend. It didn’t stop me from running, thankfully, but it was certainly annoying.
  • I would really like to be running more. Again, not trying not to get too far ahead of myself but I do keep thinking about the possibility of working (mostly) from home again and being able to have time to run. I miss that about the Covid years; I was in better shape, even before we lost weight with diet. I was running all the time then; a random 10 miler on a Wednesday was possible. I just need my time to be mine again and to feel settled. I hate this in-between waiting stuff.
  • I found myself terribly scared about the uncertainty of the future and then I found a video from Eckhart Tolle about how to stop manifesting your own suffering. It was useful for someone to remind me that there is only the now. We often think so much about the what-ifs of the future but he’s right that it’s not the right way to live your best life now.
  • So yes, today’s theme is “be present”; just focus on what you can do now. On my drive home yesterday I got an email back from my friend at the other community college and he sent me the application and requested my transcripts so there ya go. One more step in the right direction. While this is not being here, now, I keep hoping I get some summer teaching from both places and maybe the transition will be a little easier/sooner. Oh buddy, am I ever fantasizing about having more time at home.

4 thoughts on “Random Tuesday – Be here, now

  1. I love Ekhart Tolle. If you haven’t, read A New Earth: Awakening to Life’s Purpose, I think it’s called. I used to read a few pages every morning over coffee. Got to get back to that.

    1. I have not read that, only watched him on youtube. It’s nice to get these little bits of clarity from someone like that who has done the thinking already!

  2. I did enjoy being able to go for a walk at lunch or early in the morning during covid . . and not having to worry about immediately showering. The cat wasn’t going to be offended by my sweaty self haha! I didn’t like working at home because of the isolation. I much prefer being in an office with people to talk to and I enjoy collaboration. It sounds like you really loved working from home.

    1. I did! I got enough interaction with the friends and groups I have and then, while in the classroom. I am a pretty solitary person overall so I can totally handle working from home. I also much prefer to be getting stuff done there than sitting in an office stewing about what’s not being accomplished!

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