Writer’s Workshop – Currently, feeling



I’ve been remiss in doing this meme lately, mostly because my life has been insanely hectic. I’m getting my job all ready for maternity leave so sometimes, skipping Thursday blogging really frees me up for other things. But let’s revisit today! I chose:

2.) “Currently”. A simple list of things you’re currently feeling as seen at Sometimes Sweet.


Reading: I am in between a few books: On about page 65 in Game of Thrones, which I’ll probably end up finishing before I get through Sophie Oak’s Back in Bliss, which is good but I keep forgetting that I’m in the middle of it! I also have the newest JR Ward Brotherhood book that I began; I’m 29 pages in but I put it down once and have not been able to get back to it, though I really do want to know how it ends up. I have a feeling I will do much more reading when I go on leave!

Listening to: Eh, I vary between things. I have been too busy at work to put on a Spotify playlist. Sometimes I do start up Jimmy Buffett or Hair Metal ballads but there’s nothing I’m totally into. And I have no idea about new music!

Thinking about: I was feeling pretty introspective the other day and noting that I haven’t internalized this pregnancy as much as the others. I noticed more physical differences. About a month ago, I was feeling really run down but then these past two weeks, I’ve felt ten times better. This helps me to stay focused on life and not my impending labor… OR, the feeling that I don’t want to be pregnant anymore. I’m not anxious,m is what I am saying. I also realized that we’ve been ::knock on wood:: relatively lucky this summer, compared to last. We haven’t been hit with a lot of unexpected issues and I am not in utter despair. Last summer was rough.

Watching: Since we finished up Game of Thrones, not much. Also, we’ve been having a DirecTV issue. The receiver started doing this thing where the menu would flash on the screen, almost as if a button were being pressed frantically. It wasn’t the remote, because we took the batteries out, so we have gone through hoop after hoop before they sent us a new one. (This is unlike them; they usually have great customer service). Anyway, new box came and it doesn’t have certain HD channels. Point being, we didn’t watch much TV for a few days. But, the other night, the new season of Inkmaster started and we did have Spike, so that is what I’m into now.

Bummed out by:  Minor: thought I had this cabinet in my office cleaned out and ready to be moved but turns out, the top filing area is still full. More major: one of my online jobs has me scheduled to skip the next term then teach again in the one after that; the most inopportune time to give me a break! Also, I don’t think my FIL, BIL, or sister and her BF will be able to come see the new baby anywhere near when she’s born. They all have things going on. And though I’m not terribly devastated, I think it’s sad that third kids get the short end of the stick. I mean, I’m pretty sure they rationalized it like, oh, it’s just the third baby.

Loving: Chewing on ice, eating lemon Italian ice, having the nursery done, imagining all the stuff I can get done once I am on leave, the fact that my mom may have a job, the fact that I only have a few more weeks until I can drink beer, Isaac when he cuddles, Elliot showing signs of maturing as he enters first grade, thinking about Fall, daydreaming about laying on my back and my stomach!

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