Sonic Boom


I just added a student to a section of English whose name was Blanca, closely related to Blanka of StreetFighter, a game I remember with longing of a better time; when I was master of the HA-DOO-KEN fireball and Guile was my hero. BRA-zeel. USSR! Ok, if you never played, you have no idea what I’ve just been talking about.

Anyway, the fan is actually not blowing in here today so it’s nice, quiet, and not friggen’ cold. I’m not an Eskimo, you know? Hey, do you think that could be misconstrued as a racial slur? I hereby apologize to any Inuits who may have stumbled across my pathetic little space on the interwebs.

Once again my goal today is to put book orders in online. I keep putting it off because it seems like such a large task. It’s not really but I’ve been procrastinating so long it just becomes natural to NOT do it. Sigh. I’m not exactly feeling up to snuff today and I want to blame my husband for being sick the last 3 days. I’m doing everything in my power to ward it off – drinking anything with vitamin C and eating fruit – so let’s pray I don’t get sick. Me and little Elly can’t afford to be ill right now.

Soon to come: a post about prices and change. Sounds riveting, I know.

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